GroPlus | ||||||
GroPlus is an aggressive core portfolio type designed to target high returns using leverage and hedging (short selling by itself is not part of its strategy). When using leverage and/or inverse funds GroPlus may have greater than 100% market exposure. The use of leveraged and inverse funds depends on the health of the market as well as near term market dynamics reflected by proprietary indicators. GroPlus primarily utilizes ETFs that are passive market indexes but may also use actively managed ETFs, individual company stocks, and/or funds particularly for sector exposure. GroPlus can draw from the full universe of available asset class options including all sector, alternative asset and country funds. The GroPlus core portfolio type includes GuardRail Technology for risk management control in extended market downturns. GroPlus can be utilized as a 100% of an investor's portfolio for investors who want the opportunity for higher returns and are willing to accept greater price volatility and potential for loss. There is, of course, no assurance given that above-average returns will occur or that any risk management device employed will be successful.replica borse |
GroPlus Series | Buy Price | Current Price | Profit/Loss | 360Portfolio YTD Value of $10,000 | ||
Current Holding - 1 | 109.36 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,137.16 | ||
Current Holding - 2 | 1.00 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,000.00 | ||
Current Holding - 3 | 1.00 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,000.00 | ||
Current Holding - 4 | 1.00 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,000.00 | ||
Current Holding - 5 | 1.00 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,000.00 | ||
Current Holding - 6 | 59.41 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,397.24 | ||
Current Holding - 7 | 1.00 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,000.00 | ||
Current Holding - 8 | 1.00 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,000.00 | ||
Current Holding - 9 | 1.00 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $10,000.00 | ||
Current Holding - 10 | 59.21 | SUBSCRIBE! | SUBSCRIBE! | $9,998.31 | ||
YTD Portfolio Return: | 0.5% |